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NBA 2K23 demo MyPlayer builder news emerges, as we’re only a week away from the next installment of the 2K series on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.
— Sprague2k (@YxngComp) September 2, 2022
We made a change to where if you bite on a pump fake, there's a cool down timer on landing, during which it's much easier to get blown by.
— Mike Wang (@Beluba) September 2, 2022
A lot of people ask what 3PT rating is needed to be consistent in 2K23. It depends on what you consider "consistent", your shot selection, and stick skills. But if you plan to shoot a lot of 3's, I personally would try to go mid to high 80's at a minimum.
— Mike Wang (@Beluba) September 1, 2022
Even fully maxed out, field goal %'s should be significantly lower than what you saw in 22.
— Mike Wang (@Beluba) September 1, 2022
Post shots correlate to the distance you're shooting them from… so post fades from the low block will use Close, deep fades will use Mid/3PT, etc.
— Mike Wang (@Beluba) September 1, 2022
definitely try both. but you'll have a way higher ceiling with layup timing on. Also if you're making a slasher, you might want to practice skill dunks. you can do a lot of damage if you get good at both those things.
— Mike Wang (@Beluba) September 1, 2022
my favorite thing is probably the shooting skill gap. 2nd might be the controllable rim hangs on new gen.
— Mike Wang (@Beluba) September 1, 2022
No. you will miss more layups with bad timing than you would if you turned layup timing off, but you won't blow wide opens anymore (even with bad timing.) And with layup timing on, you'll be able to make a lot more tough layups that you normally would miss with real player %
— Mike Wang (@Beluba) September 1, 2022
Real Player % free throws are gone online. You can still use it offline if you want.
— Mike Wang (@Beluba) September 1, 2022
You can still make oversized PG's… but you have to be 6'4" to get the "small" guard animations.
— Mike Wang (@Beluba) September 1, 2022
they're still very effective, especially in mid-range with Middy Magician and Space Creator.
— Mike Wang (@Beluba) September 1, 2022
don't read anything into it. "walk on" is just an internal name we use.
— Mike Wang (@Beluba) September 1, 2022
yes. huge improvement in save ball reliability compared to previous years.
— Mike Wang (@Beluba) September 1, 2022
Yeah, Grace Under Pressure got rolled up into Masher also
— Mike Wang (@Beluba) September 1, 2022
Yes, takeover is tuned differently this year but the core of the system is the same. ratings drop if you go cold, ratings rise as you get warm, and you get an extra boost when in Take. Takeover perks are returning also. Biggest change is the new Team Take design
— Mike Wang (@Beluba) September 1, 2022
The contest system is pretty different from both 20 and 21. What the game considers Open vs. Yellow vs. Red contests is somewhat similar to how it's been in the past. But shot windows narrow much quicker in the yellow range.
— Mike Wang (@Beluba) September 1, 2022
The highest ball handle requirement will be 92 for Curry and Trae's sigs. Some other players were pulled up to 90 also (Dame, Kyrie, and others.)
— Mike Wang (@Beluba) August 12, 2022