“Better Call Saul” Teaser

In the beginning, there was a man called Jimmy McGill.

It has been almost 11 months since the Breaking Bad finale and die-hard fans have been trying to grasp any little news about the show since it’s ending. Most notably, the spin-off that’s coming this February, Better Call Saul.

While the show is still 6 months from airing, people have been optimistic on what the show could be, even though spin-offs don’t usually work. Better Call Saul has potential, though. Saul Goodman was always an entertaining character.

AMC aired a short teaser for the show and revealed February 2015 as the premiere date on TV, with a short clip of Saul doing what he does best: convincing clients.

Lawyers: we’re like health insurance. You hope you never need it, but man oh man, not having it? No, phew.

OS REWIND: We Miss “Breaking Bad”
OS REWIND: Watch Some “Breaking Bad” Bloopers
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