Infrared Devices Are Already Being Used in NYC & Coming to Every Major City

Infrared Devices NYC, New Jersey Story


Infrared devices NYC, New Jersey story emerges, as both cities of the tri-state have fully opened this summer. With everyone losing their vision last year in 20/20, a series of laws were quietly passed that have gone under the radar. Last year, this was first mentioned, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, revealed that they were using temperature screenings to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Although vaccines have been disturbed and sadly promoted by rappers; there’s been an emergence of several variants. With the FDA already planning a booster for those that have been vaccinated, we expect this serious technology to be used beyond stopping the spread of COVID. Already, in New York and New Jersey, infrared devices are being used in public at train stations, restaurants and in streets.

While it’s being presented to control coronavirus, some believe that it could be used to bypass the 4th amendment. So, these new infrared cameras are set to change the entire landscape of how people move in the streets; and more in particular, those active should pay attention. These cameras can scan directly through your clothes, which most think is only used at airports.

Expect major cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Miami, Dallas, Atlanta, Phoenix, San Diego, Philadelphia and others to have these systems installed first. This new tactic would save time from stop and frisk, and meet arrest quotas if people are found with illegal items.


U.S. Privacy Law Implications with the Use of No-Contact Temperature Taking Devices

Thermal Imaging Systems (Infrared Thermographic Systems / Thermal Imaging Cameras)

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