Star Calls Out Corporations after Jay-Z’s Major Fight with New York Law

Star Calls Out Cooperations, Jay-Z New York Fight Law

Cooperation’s are trading on Wall Street off the creations of black creators

Star calls out corporations, Jay-Z New York fight law, as the hater of New Jersey opens Pandora’s box to the most overlooked thing from the rap community. The biggest music genre in the world right now is rap music. Unfortunately, artists are paid pennies for their real worth, while companies make billions every year from black culture.

Last week, initial reports emerged that Jay-Z was leading the charge in challenging New York lawmakers that want to pass the proposed bill, Rap Music on Trial. Under that, artists will become immediately targeted for rap lyric usage, which could be used in a court of law against them.

Essentially, freedom of speech, made in the constitution, will no longer be protected against these kids looking to express themselves through art. However, instead of putting focus to Rap Music on Trial, Star held a special episode Sunday evening to question whether rap music should be regulated.

This seemed more of an important topic to discuss, considering no one ever tackles these types of situations in fear of losing a bag. While he’s a firm believer of the younger generation of artists and the streets getting to a bag of their culture; he questioned why so many corporations are making billions without kicking anything back down.

Meaning, that urban communities are still fucked up across the United States, and the billions made from rap music are being used every day on Wall Street. Take a look at the serious conversation below on The Star Report.

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