Star Gives Real Advice after DJ Akademiks Addresses Serious Civil Lawsuit Case

Star Gives DJ Akademiks Civil Lawsuit Case Advice

Star chimes on DJ Ak speaking

Star gives DJ Akademiks civil lawsuit case advice, as the New Jersey media personality is at the helm of the biggest rap beef in 20 years. Today, reports surfaced that DJ Akademiks was facing a lawsuit, in which a woman is accusing him of rape, sexual assault, and defamation.

After calling out a certain lawyer, representing a producer that has claims against a well-known music mogul from Harlem, Ak found himself in a coincidental situation that has gained national news attention. A few hours after the initial report emerged, Ak took to his live show on YouTube to claim his innocence of not being charged criminally.

He went as far as to say he willingly gave police security footage from his house, as he’s calling the civil lawsuit a money grab. As expected, Star, the King of Media, offered up advice to his protégé in entertainment with four words – shut the fuck up.

Take a look below at media from the situation, where Star goes into detail on how Akademiks should move forward with keep his inner circle tighter than ever.

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