Andrew McCutchen Earns Cover of MLB 13: The Show

After a five day voting war on social networks, McCutchen and his fans have finally beat out the competition to land the cover of the new Show. Beating out other superstars such as Matt Kemp, CC Sabbathia, Miguel Cabrera, Bryce Harper, Ryan Braun and Buster Posey. McCutchen was an underdog coming into this one, based on the fact of his small market team, and the public’s lack of knowledge of him because of that. Luckily, baseball fans stepped up though and recognized the young slugger’s talent and body of work,  instead of just going for the biggest name. Congratulations Cutch, well deserved. MLB 13 The Show hits stores March 5th.

OS REWIND: MLB 2K13 Announced For March 5th With David Price As Cover Star
OS REWIND: Check Out The Debut Trailer For “MLB 13: The Show”

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