The Truth Behind Steve Austin’s Infamous WWE Beer Chugging


Austin was really getting turnt out there in the ring

During Steve Austin’s epic run for WWE in the late 90s and early 2000s, one of the more memorable things about his time in the ring was the infamous after-match beer chuffing celebrations. From fans bringing their own Steveweiser beverages to events every night and even having his own cooler on hand outside the ring – Stone Cold truly was leaving the ring a little intoxicated.

In a recent interview on his podcast, the Texas Rattlesnake confirmed that the beer was indeed real – including that epic bath he gave to The Corporation. Whenever he would drink multiple cans at once on the turnbuckle, he would be tipsy on the ropes. So, on an empty stomach and a dozen beers later every Monday Night, he would almost stumble back to the dressing room.

Click HERE and listen to Austin and the man who was responsible for tossing him those beers.

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